Friday, June 1, 2012

Social Media meeting May 9. The following Communications Team members met to discuss social media: Lis Small, Jean Lenke, Joan Karasick, Erwin van Zanten, Peter Bretz, Mary Clinton

#1 Social media venues:

Facebook, Twitter, You Tube , Shelfari and Flickr are linked to the website and they all have a photo of the church. Some have the first line of the Mission Covenant statement.  Facebook and Twitter are linked together. Twitter takes the first sentence of the Facebook post and abbreviates the rest to a link.
YouTube library – the moderator would decide if something good should be included.  At present these are shown on YouTube:  Peter’s Church of the Larger Fellowship sermons and two videos about UUism
Are they any other social media sites we should consider?
            Pinterest, Four Square,  Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Yelp, Vimeo, Timbir
Jean and Lis agreed to look into Pinterest, Pete, Four Square.

#2.  Moderators: do we want to have individual moderators for each? – the Moderater can copy/paste anything from the website for Facebook for any of the social media so original writing is not required. Joan uses the blurbs that are sent to her. Facebook moderate would decide what should be kept at the top. (No decision on Moderator issue).

#3.  Social Media Policy:

We decided to have a separate Social Media policy with a reference to the existing policy on electronic resources (UUCDC Policy on Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources which already exists).
             For Social Media, we’ll use elements of the Emerson UU church policy, as presented in (DRAFT) Policies Governing Content Presented on UUCDC’s Social Media (handed out at meeting and sent to all committee members).
            Jean will post the DRAFT on Google Docs so we can all comment.